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Saturday, December 20, 2008

Kickboxing !!

Maybe it is growing old(errrr) or something, or maybe it's just me :) , I took a membership at the nearest 24hr fitness and the "josh" carried me on to check out the group class schedule.
Kickboxing(really don't know why it is called kickboxing -- should have had a more capoieraesqe name! It can be a really graceful set of movements PROVIDED the person is a master at it :D ) was on the schedule, for friday 12:00 noon to 1:00 pm. "Pehla Nasha" and all considered, I decided to go for it :)

Completely digressing from the post though, last friday at work was a dream day! 8:30-11:45 : code (or sit in front of my desk :) )
12:00-1:30 : kickboxing :D
1:30-2:00 : go to fry's
2:00-3:00 : play puzzle Bobble :)
3:00-7:00 : back to the desk!

Anyways, I go to this class and I see all this superfit people stretching and warming up.. now no one who knows me on any level can categorize me anywhere close, so the preview itself wasn't looking too good, and just when I finish stretching and bringing myself back to any level of confidence to face the class, the instructor walks in, and immediately starts the "warmup routine" ! I don't have to tell you how that went!!

There was this lady in front of me, green gym clothes and matching socks (amazing considering it was such a weird shade of green!) doing all steps perfectly. With all my natural (and justified) reticence, I'd taken a place right in the last row, and with lady green in front, I didn't really miss any visual instructions.. aah, if only I was as nimble as her and could move a mile in a second :(.

So I'm all drenched in sweat... it seemed like an eternity and the morning spent staring at digg/gmail/cnn/vnc seemed but a distant echo from the past, when the instructor (who still looked like she just stepped out of her car btw.) says : great job guys!! well done!!
Now this was the most cruel part :( history had taught me that well done/ good job signified the end of something, and then she coolly said - "Okay, so it's HALF TIME!"
I have NO clue how I got through the next half an hour.. but there was this uncle next to me, who was really enthusiastic and jumping away to glory.. and suddenly he's clutching his heart a little and then walked away to get some water and a well needed/deserved break. I mean come on!! you shouldn't be setting a not-good example to people half scared right??

I don't really know what category the following piece of info falls into, but it was really chilly outside that day (abt 44F) and there was no heating in the group exercise room, but all the glass walls (Oh Yeah! So that we/ I could see ourselves tripping over when trying to extend that leg beyond it's natural reach!) were really misty from all the people .. $%#%^#%^$^$&%@$#%$%^%^*&^#@#%$^%^&*%$%#%#@$^&%

The session went on for some more time, and then she was again like Okay guys! great job! ... And I was deceived... all over again :(. That was merely a call to get yoga mats so that we could strech a bit more for the 10 minutes or so that were still (!!!!) left...

I can't really describe the feeling when I got out of the room.. Just imagine all exams getting over at the same time and you winning a lottery, and you might come close ;)

The really unbelievable part is that I actually felt super good after it (I can't say my tissues agree with me though, it is 31 hours after the first class and a lot of 'em are still sore at the fact that they were twisted around for no reason at all...) and the ones that aren't, are now going to be sore at the use of the word "first" ;)


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