punctuality ke side effects
My friends all agree on one thing about me, my WORST habit is being on time (in some cases, even being early!), and worser, expecting everyone else to do the same :P . I don't really know when this started, but I guess it should be sometime when I was a kid and had this urge to make sure I didn't miss out on anything, and somewhere down the line it translated to being in a place at 8:55 if the meeting was at 9:00. (Mostly, it never started till 9:30!)
I started school early, mostly because my bro was going to school and I hated the thought of missing something that he was already upto! That was probably sibling rivalry at its peak, when I didn't even know what the term meant. So we ended up going to L.K.G together, and managed a solitary class pic where we're both there. (I love that pic though! :-) ) . Madan skipped U.K.G, and I stayed on and then went on to be the youngest in my class. I was 15 days short of being underage for the class (something I'm still proud about :D )
I remember sometime in 8th class, when my poetry recitation skills were at their peak, I started bugging teachers for poems that I could recite for the hindi , english, sanskrit recitation competition about a month in advance, when the normal time between announcement-practice-competition was about 5 days :-) . (I did win prizes for all of them though :-) )
The same thing happened in Engineering... in my hurry to make sure "what after B-Tech" was good, I ended up going for coaching much much before people normally go, made a few friends join as well :D and all that we ended up doing was sleeping in class when some sir was teaching something...
I thought I had it all planned, finish Masters, save up money, and then repay loans in one year.. I ended up doing the same and the result was that once I got done with paying my loans (August 2008 was the last, when exchange rates were hovering around 42 Rs to a dollar), the markets started going C.R.A.Z.Y and now it is Rs 50 to a dollar!!
Moral of the story: don't be on time :-( (I'm sure it'll make D's day if she reads this :-( )
I started school early, mostly because my bro was going to school and I hated the thought of missing something that he was already upto! That was probably sibling rivalry at its peak, when I didn't even know what the term meant. So we ended up going to L.K.G together, and managed a solitary class pic where we're both there. (I love that pic though! :-) ) . Madan skipped U.K.G, and I stayed on and then went on to be the youngest in my class. I was 15 days short of being underage for the class (something I'm still proud about :D )
I remember sometime in 8th class, when my poetry recitation skills were at their peak, I started bugging teachers for poems that I could recite for the hindi , english, sanskrit recitation competition about a month in advance, when the normal time between announcement-practice-competition was about 5 days :-) . (I did win prizes for all of them though :-) )
The same thing happened in Engineering... in my hurry to make sure "what after B-Tech" was good, I ended up going for coaching much much before people normally go, made a few friends join as well :D and all that we ended up doing was sleeping in class when some sir was teaching something...
I thought I had it all planned, finish Masters, save up money, and then repay loans in one year.. I ended up doing the same and the result was that once I got done with paying my loans (August 2008 was the last, when exchange rates were hovering around 42 Rs to a dollar), the markets started going C.R.A.Z.Y and now it is Rs 50 to a dollar!!
Moral of the story: don't be on time :-( (I'm sure it'll make D's day if she reads this :-( )

wow!! you realized this only when the markets started crashing :)
Prasanthi, at 10:48 AM
he he, atleast I realized it now.. From now on, I'm a convert to procastination :)
nandhini, at 11:11 AM
gr88888!!!! what a realization!!! :)
this is the best example of how the current market scenario is affecting different ppl differently :)) ......ppl out there have become bankrupt and here some are realizing the need for not being punctual....:D
awesome!!!! :))
with this realization of urs, we are definitely going to miss our topper :P
Rakesh, at 11:28 PM
Yes, you did take coaching much much earlier than most of the people usually do .. but uska side effect was not just on you .. you ended up inspiring a lot of people(your friends, your juniors and lots of other who know you) with your "early" achievement .. >:D< ..
but yeah, I am glad that you realized atleast now that its ok to be late .. :D .. Hopefully, whenever we meet next .. you wouldn't wake me up early in the morning as if the world is going to end if I don't .. :D
D, at 6:02 PM
no no.. I won't repeat my mistakes.. I'll ask someone else to wake you!! :P
nandhini, at 11:28 AM
not again!!!!!!
will u ppl stop fighting abt getting up early and discuss something else :D
Rakesh, at 11:53 PM
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